Les Sources Inédites de l´Histoire du Maroc
Archives et Bibliothèques du Portugal, Espagne, France, Pays-Bas et Angleterre
Available for download:
(Digitalization of the research project “Portugal and Southern Morocco: contacts and confrontations – 15th to 18th centuries”, (PTDC/HAH/71027/2006), supported by FCT, coordinated by Maria Augusta Lima Cruz and André Teixeira)
Actas do 4º Colóquio de História Luso-Marroquina | Actes du IV Colloque d’Histoire Maroco-Lusitanienne
Coord. Maria Augusta Lima Cruz, André Teixeira
Lisboa, Braga: Centro de História de Além-Mar; Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar, Cultura, Espaço e Memória, 2011
Available for download: e o Sul de Marrocos: Contactos e Confrontos (séculos XV-XVIII) | Le Portugal et le Sud du Maroc: contacts et conflits (XVe-XVIIIe siècles).
Coord. Maria Augusta Lima Cruz, André Teixeira
Lisboa, Braga: CHAM - Centro de Humanidades / Laboratório de Paisagens, Património e Território (Lab2PT) - Universidade do Minho, 2021, 2 vols.
Available for download: and
Entre a Cruz e o Crescente: o Resgate de Cativos [Between the Cross and the Crescent: The Ransoming of Captives]. Arquivo Nacional Torre do Tombo / Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, 2018.
Editorial coord. and texts: Edite Martins Alberto
Commemorative exhibition book on the 800th anniversary of foundation of the Holy Trinity Convent of Lisbon (1218-2018).
Available in: